Bronchial asthma, allergic disease is a majority of the young or the young onset, and when in the spring and autumn or Yuhan attack.
Life can be seen men and women will often suffer from asthma, dyspnea, although the performance of similar, but the cause of asthma is varied. Common asthma have the following:
Bronchial asthma, allergic disease is a majority of the young or the young onset, and when in the spring and autumn or Yuhan attack. When an asthma attack to come and go quickly, and is characterized by expiratory difficulties; asthma as normal after the cessation of the same. However, if recurrent, can not be alleviated, can develop pulmonary emphysema, pulmonary heart disease.
Asthmatic bronchitis, chronic bronchitis patients in addition to the symptoms: chronic cough, sputum outside; also with obvious breathing, and increased more than in the respiratory tract infection. Onset usually in the cold season to the elderly in the majority. This disease if not properly controlled, often late development of pulmonary emphysema, pulmonary heart disease.
The other is lung cancer, when tumors are large bronchial congestion, they can cause wheezing. Patient breath, inspiratory are difficult. Some bronchial asthma or above are caused by lung disease, called pulmonary asthma.
There is also a class of asthma is caused by heart disease, Heart induced asthma. Patients usually have coronary heart disease, rheumatic heart disease, heart disease or hypertension, left heart failure occurred, causing lung bleeding, gas exchange, an attack of asthma. This break often attack at night, after more than 1,2 hours in asleep sudden difficulty in breathing. Patient was suddenly awakened by chest tightness, gas Bie, forced to sit up gasping for breath, cough, slightly pink foamy sputum. After sitting up for most patients, wheezing, and reduced, this process is called the night of paroxysmal dyspnea.
In addition, there is an occupational asthma, that asthma and certain employment-related, such as work, exposure to certain chemicals or metal compounds, lead to asthma. Their main features are: exposure and a specific substance or, in some specific environment, can cause the disease onset, once the disengagement, the symptoms disappeared.
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